Absolutely!! Toys n stimulation create happiness!

Posted by Trish Salta on

Do pets really need toys to be happy?

Well, lets look at it from this point of view. What makes us happy... nice assets, new wardorbe, night out, holidays etc etc!

Our pets like a change too. Toys are the best way to keep them happy & occupied.

Chew toys, squeaky toys, chase toys & foraging treat toys. These all create that word HAPPINESS!

No better feeling than watching your pet play.

Let"s think about. If they're just laying around,we don't pay much attention but if they're running and playing, tossing toys in the air we seem to stop and watch, maybe even take a video to show others.. thats when we recognise that they are having fun!

How does that make you feel " HAPPY" 


So the outcome is, YES pets do needs toys to keep them happy!



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